07 May 2021 17:24

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk shared a message from his social media account "Telegram" on the occasion of the World Password Day stressing that people started to use instant messaging applications even for chats with children during the lockdown.
Noting that society has become digitized and the number of people allowing their children to use mobile phones has increased recently, Selçuk stated, "I know that your children are spending hours on mobile phones while you are running errands. I request you not to leave your children alone and vulnerable in the digital environment."
Minister Selçuk shared a video about how to provide password security in the digital environment and asked parents to obey password security rules strictly.
"Do not record your passwords in places where ill-intended people can reach"
The video included information about how to secure your password in a digital environment and warned parents about the following issues, "Be careful to remind your children to prefer passwords which are not too short or include their birthdays and consecutive digits and letters. Learn your children's computer, social media, mobile phone and tablet passwords and teach them not to share their passwords with other people. Do not record passwords where ill-intended people can reach."
"Remind your children to click 'no' to remember my password to 'remember my password' button while using search engines and applications while using other person's smartphones or computers."