07 December 2020 11:10

According to recent studies, correct feedback of teachers to students is among the most important methods that increases learning and success. Based on idea of using such effective a teaching method in the most correct way possible, the Director General for Teacher Training and Improvement prepared a Feedback Handbook for Teachers after a literature review. The handbook which is available digitally in teacher library at http://ogretmen.meb.gov.tr/ogretmen-kitapligi/mesleki-gelisim-programi-kitaplari/ogretmenler-icin-el-kitabi-geri-bildirim.html includes suggestions that should be considered while giving feedback to students in addition to theoretical information about the definition and importance of feedback. 
Handbook for teachers defines "feedback" is a mirror that reflects the performance of learner and it frequently causes confusion although it is not giving suggestion, assessment or giving grades. The book explains teachers who should use feedback and when in order to increase the success of students.
Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk pointed out that the feedback gained more importance during distance education adding that, "For many years, I had the opportunity to see thousands of classrooms. Based on my observations, I can say that feedback provided to students is among the most effective methods. Recent studies reveal that feedback is the most useful and cost effective way to increase success and learning. The important thing is to give the correct feedback. Giving grades can be seen as a way of feedback but it is not enough. This handbook includes practice suggestions in addition to theoretical information. It is also based on a detailed literature review."